The Effects of Music on the Body and Brain
General Purpose: To inform the audience of the many ways in which listening to music can affect the body and brain.
Specific Purpose: To inform the audience as to how music can affect the moods of an individual, the brain function, productivity, and stress and anxiety.
Thesis: Listening to music is a very popular and common activity among many people of all ages, and while most people listen mindlessly without thinking about the effects it has on our body, music plays a huge role in how our brain functions, our moods and health, and how we go about life.
I. Introduction
A. We all listen to music. When we were younger, we grew up listening to whatever our parents played in the car. …show more content…
1. While listening to music can improve memory, it can also stunt new memories.
e. This effect has only been seen in animals so far. As there is not much research on the negative impacts of music done on humans. Music could potentially, if listened to in excess, deter the hippocampus part of the brain from forming new ideas and memories.
2. Music can hurt your ears.
a. Another negative aspect that I discovered that my Mother has been warning me about for years, is the impact listening to music can have on hearing ability. Many people listen to music very loudly, damaging the eardrums.
3. Listening to music too often may be linked to higher risk of depression
f. There are studies trying to determine whether or not depressed people listen to music to escape or if the constant music use is leading to depression.
g. In a study from Dr. Brian Primack, an assistant professor of medicine and pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, it was found that children were more likely to listen to music than other types of media.
h. They were at higher risk of major depressive disorder than children who listened to music less than 5 hours per day.