All my poems got longer; most of them substantially. All of my poems grew by at least one stanza. This was not at all intentional as I feel poems should just be as long as the creator deems necessary; assuming they don't need to meet specific criteria. This is what differentiates a poem from a song. Most songs are edited and manipulated to fit in the 3 - minute time slot radio stations provide. This makes songs sometimes too short, or too long and is almost never the desired amount of time for the artist to convey their message. Poems are different; they can be any length.
The revising of my poems slightly affected their original formatting. I would start a new stanza every time I felt that a different chain of events was going to be added to my work. However, the lines of each poem changed so much they often would be referring to a different scenario and would have to be moved within the poem. The format of my sonnet drastically changed. I did not make it long enough originally and once revised it became too long. I had to change it to make sure it was 14 lines to truly make it a Sonnet.
While editing these poems more diction was added. My original poems were quick …show more content…
The main idea of the introduction in the other poems were the same. In this case however, the first stanza was changed and this was the stanza in which my entire poem was based. The endings changed more drastically as they now included additional stanzas giving the poems new meaning. The poems no longer have just one main idea, but grew to include other ideas. For instance, in my ekphrastic rewritten poem I no longer end it with discussing the woman in picture; the conclusion was about people and how they are too quick to