
How Peaceful Resistance Has Made A Positive Impact On A Free Society

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How Peaceful Resistance Has Made A Positive Impact On A Free Society
Peaceful resistance positively impact a free society in multiple ways. It shows people that violence is not the only way that solutions can be made. It shows people and the government that what your fighting for is a big deal to you and to your followers. It impacts a free society by showing that people are willing to suffer the consequences to have their beliefs be their rights. That is how peaceful resistance can positively impact a free society in multiple ways.

Peaceful resistance shows people that violence is not the only way that solutions can be made in a free society. Gandhi is a great example of this. Gandhi helped both South Africa and India become free of Great Britons rule by using non violent protest. While in South African; Gandhi would lead a 8 year civil rights movement that would lead to a compromise of South Africa and Great Briton. The movement lead to the death of many Indians and the imprisonment of many more, but this would help the Indian people because for those imprisoned and killed for non violent actions gave Gandhi and his supporters an advantage of the British.This advantage would greatly help Gandhi help South Africa. That is how Peaceful resistance has made a positive impact on a free society.
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Gandhi fight for the freedoms of India and lead the fight for Indian freedoms. Gandhi fought and fought with non violent protest; some did not work but he never gave up on his people. Gandhi and other non violent protest leader in India encouraged so many people to follow them that the British had no way to control them. This made the government realize how much that these movements had meant to them. Gandhi would win the war against the British giving India back it's freedoms. This is how peaceful resistance can show your government that what you and your people are fighting for means a lot to

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