Mrs.Glover's english 3.
The urban youth of today are highly influenced by the lyrics of the music they listen to. This music can be narrowed down to today’s version of hip-hop, or more commonly called rap. The youth are influenced by the lyrics and want to be like the rappers and live their lifestyle. What do these artists specifically talk about that want the youth to act this way? Most rap artists today produce the images of drug abuse, prostitution, money, and other topics such as drug dealing. What can be done by parents to stop this widespread urge in youth to become an idol to others? The fact is that with the United States constitution, not much can be done due to our freedom of expression and speech. Also which artists have the largest effect on our youth? These are a questions that not many people or even parents think about before buying an album for the youth without even pondering about that little label that warns them of explicit material. Should something be done or can something be done to prevent the youth from taking the wrong track in life that is made to look like the glorious life of fame and riches?
To answer that question, we have to look to the Congress of the United States and its laws. This idea has been brought to the house panel, but it seems like there is nothing more that can be done than putting a parental advisory label on an album. No such federal ban on lyrics has ever taken place in our society, all they can do is stop minors from purchasing albums (Holland 1-2). One extremely controversial album in the late 1990’s was Eminem’s album the Marshal Mathers LP. In the Columbia Journalism review, author Michael Hoyt stated that he witnessed a young man at a record store refuse to sell this album to a minor and his mother; and the mother had no idea what content was in the album. It is parents like these who need to stay up to date with the current news and know what and what not