human history, it could also be argued that the Black death changed Europe for the better. The
black death is a disease that formed on a victims body. Black death is also called Black Plague
because most scholars believe struck Europe was ̈Plague ̈. The plague took pneumonic and
septicemic forms. The black death was an epidemic of bubonic plague, a disease caused by the
bacterium Yersinia pestis that circulates among wild rodents where they live in great numbers
and density. The black death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history. Blackdeath was around from 1346-1353.
The cause of Black death was fleas who lived on plague-infected and rats and rats were …show more content…
Also open sores through those methods of contagion the Black death
spread through trade routes from Asia to Italy and through Europe. It has been said that at least
20 million people had died from the Black death in Europe. THAT’S ONE THIRD OF THE
POPULATION . Many cities lost 40% of their residents. Death was a big part of the Black death.
60% of the population. The plague created a series of religious, social, and economic upheavals,
which had profound effects on the course.
Most people thought that it was god punishing them for making sins. The black death was
widely thought to have been an outbreak of bubonic plague caused by bacteria carried by fleas
O ́binna2
that lived on black rats. The rodents spread. Old and young, men and women, all of society,
royalty, peasants, archbishops, monks nuns and parish clergy were all affected. The symptoms of
the black death would be swelling, groin, armpits and neck, dark patches, and coughing up
blood. The disease never went away. An outbreak in surat in India in the early 1990’s