When medical facilities refuse to treat patients with no financial means it is clearly a violation of federal and state civil rights as well as the programs Medicare an Medicaid. There’s an obligation to treat and evaluate patients under Medicare if not there will be violations as well as fines handed down from Medicare causing the patient to be affected resulting in possible harm allowing them to gain fro the damages suffered while in the care at the hospital (Showalter, 2012, pg. 339). The definition of the emergency room is defined as an area of the hospital set up with emergency equipment and staff to treat and evaluate patients who come seeking emergency medical services. An example of this would be outpatient clinics such as MEA’s, r private medical offices, obtaining the capable medical equipment to assist patients when in need of medical treatment in emergency situations. These facilities do not have an obligation to EMTALA as well as they can select to transfer patients to the closest hospital with an emergency for medical …show more content…
As with all things in life, certain medical conditions do not meet the criteria t qualify for the uncompensated mandated medical services enforced by EMTALA. The main intention of EMTALA is to make emergency rooms accountable for concluding if a patient’s medical condition is an emergency or not, this can be done by using regular medical assessments and protocols. Hospitals are required not to put a hold on a patients treatment while gathering information pertaining to how the patient will pay for services rendered. Payments can only question when the patient's medical condition has no chance of getting worse. The hospital has an obligation to its emergency room to conclude if the patient has a real medical condition requiring the use of emergency services allowing further treatment to happen for help with getting the patient stable enough to return home or another medical facility for better treatment. The writer found through this assignment that hospitals is hospitals do not have the proper equipment and staff to treat certain medical condition they find a hospital will to accept the transfer following the right procedures and protocols. It is a known fact the hospital accepting the transfer is most likely more equipped to handle the medical condition and treat the patient health care needs. During this transfer the hospital facilitating the