They are expected to remain pure until marriage, and if a woman’s virtue is compromised, it is a scandal that brings shame and disgrace to her family. Sofia, the youngest Garcia daughter, cannot even go and buy contraception in the Dominican Republic because it would be considered shameful to her family. Carlos Garcia always cautioned his girls “I don’t want loose girls in my family” (Alvarez 28). When Sofia returns to the Dominican Republic after living in the United States, she begins to date her uncle’s illegitimate son Manuel. Manuel is extremely controlling and sexist, and also refuses to use protection. Sofia’s sisters go on an adventure with their cousin Mundin to a sleazy motel in town and see Manuel’s car. The sisters are outraged that Sofia is sleeping with Manuel and decide to go home. Once the sisters are home Mami asks them where Sofia is and they say she is with Manuel. Mami is outraged that Sofia is with a man unsupervised and is afraid this will cause a huge scandal to the family and ruin Sofia’s reputation. Yolanda also experiences the old world values about sex with her college boyfriend, Rudy Elmenherst, saying “I’d just gotten over worrying I’d get pregnant from proximity, or damned by God should I die at that very moment…” (Alvarez 97). The beliefs of the Garcia family and Yolanda show the old world values of the Dominican
They are expected to remain pure until marriage, and if a woman’s virtue is compromised, it is a scandal that brings shame and disgrace to her family. Sofia, the youngest Garcia daughter, cannot even go and buy contraception in the Dominican Republic because it would be considered shameful to her family. Carlos Garcia always cautioned his girls “I don’t want loose girls in my family” (Alvarez 28). When Sofia returns to the Dominican Republic after living in the United States, she begins to date her uncle’s illegitimate son Manuel. Manuel is extremely controlling and sexist, and also refuses to use protection. Sofia’s sisters go on an adventure with their cousin Mundin to a sleazy motel in town and see Manuel’s car. The sisters are outraged that Sofia is sleeping with Manuel and decide to go home. Once the sisters are home Mami asks them where Sofia is and they say she is with Manuel. Mami is outraged that Sofia is with a man unsupervised and is afraid this will cause a huge scandal to the family and ruin Sofia’s reputation. Yolanda also experiences the old world values about sex with her college boyfriend, Rudy Elmenherst, saying “I’d just gotten over worrying I’d get pregnant from proximity, or damned by God should I die at that very moment…” (Alvarez 97). The beliefs of the Garcia family and Yolanda show the old world values of the Dominican