Searching for jobs on the Internet has become a very popular endeavor in the last ten years. Things have changed considerably in our culture and this is one area that holds a large amount of the responsibility.
A Brief History of the Internet
The Internet was first developed in 1969 by the United States Department of Defense. Created by their Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Internet was called ARPANET in the early years. They developed the Internet as a means of communication between the agency, military contractors, and several research-oriented universities. The Department of Defense was most impressed by the fact that the network would be able to withstand nuclear attack. All were impressed by the speed that information could be accessed. The National Science Foundation became interest in spreading the word about this phenomenon; they set up five different supercomputer centers that connected to the Arpanet. During the late 1980s the first Internet Service Provider (ISP) companies were formed. ISPs are companies like AOL, MSN, and Net Zero, who sell access to the Internet. Later, in 1986, the NSF set up a network of computers called the NSFNET. Around this time the term Internet came into use and other countries became interested in having a share in an activity and possible profits. At first the most common function people used was e-mail. The second most popular application of the early Internet was Usenet, a system of distributed discussion groups that is still going strong today.
In 1990 ARPANET was destroyed and the NSF decided to take control. They did away with the restrictions that had placed on placed on it, largely the use of the Internet for profit. In doing this they change the face of the Internet forever. With this brand new market, Internet Service Providers began springing up all over the place, with the general public in mind.
What is the Internet?
The Internet is an interconnected