* Definition of academic freedom * Academic freedom protections * The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights * Individual academic freedom complexities * Unions * Higher learning institutions
How the Law Limits Academic Freedom Academic freedom deals with concern that faculty members’ freedom of inquiry is extremely important as far as academics are concerned. Academic principles are vital and educators should possess the freedom to communicate and pass on facts and opinions. There should also be free communication of facts and ideas that sound unpleasant to the authorities and political associations. Educators should not be imprisoned, expelled from their jobs, or repressed. The majority of education professionals treasure the protections that are a result of academic freedom. However, the protection limits aren’t clearly defined. Many educators believe that academic freedom gives them the right to comment on anything, anywhere, and to anyone, as well as participate in behaviors that the majority of observers consider inappropriate in workplaces (Ekstrand and Wallmon 173). In fact, it is worth noting that academic freedom is used as the excuse for unprofessional and abusive behavior. The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights has the greatest widespread law concerning academic freedom. The committee makes a clear distinction between institutional and individual academic freedom. The United Nations Committee allows an organized and individual academic freedom. This states that there are no limitations regarding the transfer, development, and persuasion of ideas and information. This can be achieved through writing, creation, production, documentation, discussion, study, teaching, and research. The law permits educators from the possession of liberty to freely voice their opinions concerning the system and institution, carry out