These houses were not cared for by the proprietors, therefore is gave the tenants and excuse to not care either for their own filthy property. The landlord was simply after one thing, rent. The more people that were stuck in a room the more risk of spreading disease and sickness occurred. The rooms of the tenements were dark and wet and full of foul odors. It was almost impossible to keep a sanitary life living in such conditions. Diseases such as smallpox and the plague spread like wildfire. The air these occupants took in was polluted and filthy. If readers were to consider the overcrowding and dirty living circumstances that these immigrants endured it should have created a visualization of a very harsh reality that these people
These houses were not cared for by the proprietors, therefore is gave the tenants and excuse to not care either for their own filthy property. The landlord was simply after one thing, rent. The more people that were stuck in a room the more risk of spreading disease and sickness occurred. The rooms of the tenements were dark and wet and full of foul odors. It was almost impossible to keep a sanitary life living in such conditions. Diseases such as smallpox and the plague spread like wildfire. The air these occupants took in was polluted and filthy. If readers were to consider the overcrowding and dirty living circumstances that these immigrants endured it should have created a visualization of a very harsh reality that these people