Here are tips I want to share . First when people bully you you should tell an adult you trust. Who are the adult? They could be your teachers, parents.uncle and so on adults will help you in dealing with bullying issues faced by you in the school. you will be safe from being bullied by anyone who wants to hurt you
Other ways to keep from being bullied is when you are alone, you should get you friends together and say no to bully. bullies are afraid and will not bully you. why? this is because you're with friends who will help you when bullies to harass and bully you. besides, I want to tell you that it is important to stay with groups of people, even if They are not your friends when you have no friends or family with you to prevent bullying occurs. although you will feel awkward when together with strangers but is important to save yourself from a bully moreover, another way to prevent yourself from being bullied is that you need to avoid Being alone in places Where bulliying happens. this can prevent yourself becoming the next victim of bullying by bullies who are not responsible when face to face with you.
The next way to prevent bullying is when you feel you are in danger because of fear of bullies are close to you. only one step you need to do that to run away to save yourself from being a victim of a bully. you should immediately get help from people you