You had to be pretty strong to do some of the stuff to build. As it states in the artice Building a Roman City by David Macaulay. "Lifted the huge blocks from earth." To lift heavy thing and to move them you have to be strong. If you are weak you would not even be able to move the rock on the groud. So that means you need a lot of physical strength. Not only physical strength do you need you need Mental stength also. Without mental strength you will not be able to do it.
You have to be very strong and all but if you are strong and are smart thats even better. As it states in the artice Building a Roman City by David Macaulay. "Carved inscriptions in the stone" If you are not smart and you are strong that really doesnt mean much. It doesnt because strength is easy to get but knowledge isnt. And in that time period it would be very important because they dont have the same tools as we have today. Thats shows that you not only have to be strong but you also have to be pretty smart. If your not smart you can work harder and not smarter. And if you work harder that is just more time you have spent on a project that did not even need it. …show more content…
As it once again states in that same article Building a Roman City by David Macaulay "The engineers worked throught the winter..." That shows that if you work smarter and not harder you will not have to work very long in the harsh snowy winters. You could be at home with you family instead of freezing