implosive bomb. The reason why it is implosive is because, it is engineered in a way where explosives surround the plutonium core and when set off, crush the plutonium. Fat man was dropped on Nagasaki shortly after the bombing of Hiroshima. During the bomb’s production, there were 3 facilities located at Oak Ridge, Washington, and Los Alamos; where they began assembling the bomb.
The project was very secret and only a small circle of scientists knew about the bomb’s creation. “51ft. The Manhattan Project” by the Independence Hall Association states, “In fact, Vice-President Truman had never heard of the Manhattan Project until he became President Truman.” It was kept secret from the Soviet Union until a spy revealed it to them. Despite this the Axis powers were unaware of the making of the bomb. Whether the US should have dropped the bombs on Japan is still debated to this day. President Harry Truman decided to drop the bomb after ordering the Japanese to surrender and they refused. “What Truman was thinking when he decided to drop the bomb” by Jonathan Rosenberg reports that, “The weapon destroyed 90 percent of Hiroshima's buildings, and later, a radioactive rain, black and deadly, fell upon the city. Some 130,000 people perished that day, including 110,000 civilians.” The devastation of this bomb is pretty great, but did he make the right choice to drop the
bomb? Truman was right to drop the bomb. Though the devastation and lives taken is heart wrenching, who knows where we would be if we did not. The Japanese were not surrendering and USA had no other choice for the safety of the country. After the devastation of Pearl Harbor the offer of dropping the bomb was too hard to refuse. Building an atomic bomb is a lumbering amount of work that takes many years of dedication and to say that we reached that, is an understatement.