Basic English
November 6, 2013
How to Potty Train a Dog Dogs are often seen as one of the most lovable domestic animals of the modern day. This makes them appeal to almost everyone. Sometimes, people decide they want to own a dog without knowing how to properly train them. This essay is for those people who want to learn more. To properly potty train a dog, you must be consistent, stern, and rewarding to the dog. The first way to properly potty train a dog, you must begin with being consistent. Being consistent helps the dog learn a system, which will help them remember where to relieve themselves. You can be consistent first with the times in which you take the dog out. The typical rule of thumb is to take the dog out when it first wakes up, and then almost every two hours after that. Another way you can be consistent with the dog is to take it outside in the same spot every time it needs to relieve itself. The dog will eventually learn that is the only spot in which it can go. To properly potty train a dog, you must be consistent. Along with being consistent, you must be stern to potty train a dog. This goes along perfectly with being consistent with the dog's training. If the dog doesn't go in the spot in which you have assigned, you have to punish it. You can punish the dog in a few ways. Effective punishment for dogs includes saying “bad dog” in a raised voice, putting the dog in it's kennel for a “timeout”, or spraying them with water. Is reinforces the idea that the dog is to only go outside in it's allocated spot. To properly potty train a dog, you must be stern. The final way to properly potty train a dog is to be rewarding to the dog. This is the opposite of being stern. Anytime the dog relieves itself outside, especially when it goes in it's allocated spot in the yard, you must reward it. You first reward it by saying “good dog!” in a happy high-pitched voice. Then you pat it on the head and show it some love to