Initially, I thought the only alternatives were changing the laws, expanding mental healthcare and rehabilitation. My research showed that while these were a good start to the problem, there are other options available as well. It was a real eye opener for me to learn the tremendous impact that mandatory sentencing guidelines has on defendants. Prosecutors determine how a person is going to be charged, and if convicted the judge is bound by mandatory sentencing guidelines. My research opened my eyes to the benefits of criminal corporal punishment and the positive effects it could have on deterring crime. I learned that the prisoner on prisoner violence that plagues most prisons is attributed to the overcrowding problem. Overcrowded prison cells and a lack of rehabilitation services are fueling the violence in
Initially, I thought the only alternatives were changing the laws, expanding mental healthcare and rehabilitation. My research showed that while these were a good start to the problem, there are other options available as well. It was a real eye opener for me to learn the tremendous impact that mandatory sentencing guidelines has on defendants. Prosecutors determine how a person is going to be charged, and if convicted the judge is bound by mandatory sentencing guidelines. My research opened my eyes to the benefits of criminal corporal punishment and the positive effects it could have on deterring crime. I learned that the prisoner on prisoner violence that plagues most prisons is attributed to the overcrowding problem. Overcrowded prison cells and a lack of rehabilitation services are fueling the violence in