Saving money is one of those things that’s so much easier said than done. There’s more to it than spending less money although that part alone can be challenging. How much money will you save, where will you put it, and how can you make sure it stays there? You have to establish your income to debt ratio, set a time frame for retiring your debt, and make a plan of how to accomplish these goals. Establishing how much money you have coming in verses how much money you have going out is the first step toward saving money. House payments, electric bills, water bills and necessity house hold bills can’t be taken away. However, you can work on lowering those bills, by conserving. Turning lights off you normally leave on and doing laundry less are some ways to lower them bills. Setting a time frame for retiring your debt is a good way to save money. A time frame will give you a goal to work toward, and if you have things taken directly out of your checking account it makes it easier to pay things, rather than having the money in your hand.
Making a plan of how to accomplish these goals is the last step in saving money. Packing your lunch every day rather than eating out, renting a movie and watching it at home instead of going to the theater or going to a lake and swimming, instead of going to a water park, these are all ways of accomplishing your goals to save money.
Saving money is very difficult, but can be done. Knowing how much money you have coming in and how much debt you have going out, setting a time frame and sticking to it and having a plan of how to accomplish these goals are all ways to save money.