In the end, everyone has their own unique reason why they go on these journeys. What is important is that these journeys are learning experiences. People learn and experience things they would not have the chance to explore in a modernized…
According to Aesop " Adventure is worthwhile", and traveling is one of the best adventures that people can experience in life. Also, by going to places that you've never been open up your mind to new things, new people, and you learn from it as much as you can. In my case, I'm fortunate to have been able to visit different cities all over the world, but only two of them have completely captivated me, San Francisco, California and Miami, Florida. Even though these two cities are located in the same country, both have many differences such as in the public transportation, food-population, and lifestyle.…
Travelling has always been a passion of mine. Being an army brat, I find seeing new places, meeting new people and getting to know their different “traditions”, exceptionally inspiring. But having to stay and live at the places I thought I was visiting was a difficult task for me.…
Taking risks meaning jumping off of cliffs, swimming in a ocean with man-eating sharks, and climbing massive mountains with assertive. Exploring history that was discovered a long time ago would be enjoyable to see it in person. Seeing where Jesus was in the world and what he did. Listening to stories about George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. Building up my confidence when traveling can be a fun experience. Of course, do crazy things and enjoying myself. Adventures reduce stress so I can relax. Relaxing on Virginia beach would be nice, but to visit Hawaii and enjoy the beach would be an enjoyment. Adventures can be amazing, good for your health, and…
Travel is good for the mind, body and soul, traveling independently will help us learn more about ourselves and who we are as people because, “you think you know, but you have no idea” a movie titled “the secret life of Walter middy” has inspired my topic even…
One of the main purposes of travel is to gain experiences that allow us to grow and develop as individuals and it is important that people travel the way that bests suits them at a particular time. For example, I like to go on adventure holidays and this invariably includes a small group and expert guide, and I frequently participate in writing retreats around the world with like-minded people. However for me, the real joy of travelling has always been to take off on my own and just 'see' what comes along the way. Of course this can sometimes be fraught with frustrations, difficulties and even dangers.…
"Traveling is a fool's paradise," Ralph Waldo Emerson said. "I have no cranky objection to world travel for the purposes of art, of study, and goodwill, as long as the individual is first domesticated, or doesn't go abroad with the hope of finding something greater that what he knows. He who travels to be amused, or to get something he doesn't have within, travels away from himself " While Emerson's comments may seem extreme to those who enjoy the occasional trip for leisure, he makes an important point regarding the value of travel from both a scholarly and personal standpoint. Studying abroad fulfills what Emerson sees as the deeper purpose of travel, which I realized last fall semester when I studied abroad at the University of…
I have always had a knack for traveling. Since a young age I have found comfort in going to places I have never been. Embracing the culture and questioning why things are done a certain way and exploring the incredible world that I am surrounded by. It brings me peace just being somewhere I have never been. I think it is important to be put in situations that you might not be familiar with and learn how to adapt, how to survive on your own. It’s important to go to unfamiliar places and meet unfamiliar people.…
Travelling the world is another way in which worthwhile learning occurs. Travelling the world allows you to see how other people around the world live. When you see how other people in other countries live it can really let you see how fortunate you are and allows you to appreciate the things you have. When you see how other people live it can also open your eyes to see how you could be living your life instead of how you are living your life. You can also see how hard other people work and it can inspire you to work harder in your life. You can also see other cultures or religions and you can appreciate other people’s way of life. Travelling is a way in which worthwhile learning can occur.…
The primary message in this dissertation seems to be that international travel has a psychological affect that reaches beyond just sightseeing. The personal growth associated with traveling can steer a person’s perceptions and careers.…
Travelling by plans has truly made our world feel a lot smaller, but not all travel is necessary. For…
When you travel the world, you have the opportunity to experience different cultures and meet new people. It is inevitable that through these experiences you will learn a lot about yourself. Who you are as a person and what you want out of life might very well change。…
First of all, the ever expanding international tourism makes the world smaller. Not in actual size as a planet, of course, but people (and peoples) get ever more closer to each other, and have now, more than ever, probably, an amazing ability and opportunity to go and see new places; distant and exciting destinations are suddenly “available” to them, places people only dreamed about and was “out of their reach” only a few decades ago. Now, it´s all there – cheap, fast, exciting...nearly everyone is “goin´abroad” these days. Going abroad can, and does, broaden your mind. I´m sometimes just not sure about the travelers´ awareness, or “motivation”, if you will, for his or her or their traveling.…
"Traveling broadens the mind more than reading." says a very popular Turkish proverb. It is true as long as one embraces experiences with an open mind. Traveling is seeing new countries, meeting new people, experiencing new things, learning a different side of life and more. It is in short the adventurous outdoor class trip to different cultures, different languages, different political climates and different histories.…
Whether you’re a constant traveller wanting to sate your wanderlust or just someone looking for the best holiday spots this 2017, you may want to put up travel-related new year’s resolutions on top of your regular promises. Travelling is a serious business, and yes, it’s a highly enjoyable activity. However, you might be doing a few things which may get in the way of you making the most out of them.…