Document Based Question
There will be one document-based question on the AP exam. The document-based question will have one of the following historical thinking skills as its main focus: causation, change & continuity over time, comparison, interpretation, or periodization. All document-based questions will also always assess the historical thinking skills of historical argumentation, appropriate use of relevant historical evidence, contextualization, and synthesis. Loading...
The response to a DBQ must include references to the documents as well as your own knowledge.
The AP Exam will include 7 documents to use while answering the given DBQ question.
You must reference all or all but one of the documents.
You will be given a total of 60 minutes to answer the DBQ. …show more content…
The analysis of the documents should provide evidence to support the thesis. While evidence from at least 6 documents must be included, the essay should incorporate more in-depth analyses of at least four documents, examining point of view, intended audience, purpose, or any other features specified in the directions. A strong essay, however, does not simply list the characteristics of one document after another. Instead, it makes connections between documents or parts of documents to craft a convincing argument.
A good essay would observe that the documents also reflect differences in point of view, audience, format, etc. Finally, a good response demonstrates an understanding of the broader context of issues relevant to the question.
Tips for DBQ Writing
•Brief references to the documents are enough
•Do not quote documents
•Establish that you understand the time period in question by setting the historical scene early in the essay by using your outside