1. Title page
Title of case
Names and student numbers
Date submitted
Course code and section
Professor’s name
TA’s name
Statement of academic integrity signed by all group members
Double check spelling
2. Executive Summary
To: Management (case specific)
From: your name
Subject: title of case
Date: date of submission
Critical Assumptions: what key information is missing
Problem: primary problem only-be concise(must be same as case body)
Alternatives: List all the alternatives
Facts Considered: Directly from the case. No assumptions
Recommendation: one paragraph
MAX one page-single space
This is a one page synopsis that follows the title page
It is written last
Point form
3. Critical Assumptions
Build on the facts in the case
Add credibility and depth to the case
State the assumption and then state the fact that led you to make this assumption
Do not assume the case away
Avoid making far fetched assumptions
Bullets are good but write in full sentences
4. Problem analysis
a) Primary Problem
The key to your case is the primary problem
This is what your case is aiming to solve
Write the primary problem should be concise
Do not use bullets when writing on the facts from the case
When you write your alternatives they will be a solution to the primary problem and the satellite problems
Keep asking yourself WHY
Primary problem is the CAUSE
b) Satellite the satellite problems are as a result of the primary problem these are also facts form the case can be written using bullets, but full sentences straight from the case
Implications-identify what will happen to the organization and the personnel if the problems persist
Based on problems in the case and logical insight
Can be written using bullets but write in full sentences will thorough explanations
a) Implications on the organization
The impact of the problems on the organization
b) Implications on personnel
Cited: 10. Final Thoughts Start your case early Talk about the case with your friends, but do not let others intimidate you Avoid major last minute changes Print your paper before you go to sleep Proofread Markers appreciate double spacing and times new roman 12, or arial 11 Margins at least 1 inch Length usually 15-20 pages. Appendices are fine Duotangs are not necessary, but staples are