No matter how long or complicated the poem, the first steps are the same:
1. Read the poem on your own looking for general understanding.
2. Read it again to do the same thing. This time, start jotting down ideas.
3. Read it aloud (you will more easily hear meter, rhythm, rhyme, and the meaning may become more clear).
4. Go through the poem, line by line, and make notes all over it. This should help lead you to conclusions about the poem’s:
a. Theme(s) and Tone.
b. Structure (and how this helps express the theme or point of the poem).
c. Use of poetic devices (metaphors, similes, etc. – these should make the poem more interesting but may also help express the tone, theme, etc.).
5. In some cases, you may want (or be required) to do some research and find others/critics who agree with your analysis. If you do, be sure to quote them and include the article in your Works Cited page. It is easy to find professional analyses of famous poems or poets. You may want to check your interpretation against others. On the other hand, what really counts is your analysis. It doesn’t matter if some old professor agrees with you. So long as you explain your interpretation and it makes sense, the essay should be fine.
6. Create an outline or do some more prewriting to organize your ideas.
The essay/analysis needs a thesis.
The thesis should be at the end of your introductory paragraph.
The thesis will probably be something along the lines of, “_(Poet’s name)_ uses ___(add some info here about the poem’s structure, use of poetic devices, etc.) to express the theme that _____.” NOTE: Please don’t use that exact sentence. But try to include the following in your thesis statement:
A basic statement about the poem’s theme/meaning. *You should answer the basics question: “What is this poem telling us?”
How the poem achieves this meaning (through the use of poetic devices, imagery, etc.). Maybe the structure actually helps express