Being active is a key component of being healthy and physical activity is a major part of many kids' lives. However, kids with asthma often have limitations that make it difficult to participate in sports, active playground games and activities like dancing. Asthma doesn't usually prevent kids from participating in these events, but they are often at greater risk of experiencing an asthma attack in these situations. Both the children and the adults on the sidelines need to be aware of the possibility that an asthma attack could occur and what to do if it does. Anything that makes a child stand out can cause feelings of embarrassment and even shame. Kids with asthma may fear having an attack at school, or feel uncomfortable about having to use an inhaler in the presence of their friends. They may feel left out when they can't always participate in activities with their peers. Having any serious, chronic illness is scary, and kids with asthma need extra emotional support to develop additional coping skills. Asthma often causes missed school days and these absences from school can quickly lead to a child falling behind. Kids
Being active is a key component of being healthy and physical activity is a major part of many kids' lives. However, kids with asthma often have limitations that make it difficult to participate in sports, active playground games and activities like dancing. Asthma doesn't usually prevent kids from participating in these events, but they are often at greater risk of experiencing an asthma attack in these situations. Both the children and the adults on the sidelines need to be aware of the possibility that an asthma attack could occur and what to do if it does. Anything that makes a child stand out can cause feelings of embarrassment and even shame. Kids with asthma may fear having an attack at school, or feel uncomfortable about having to use an inhaler in the presence of their friends. They may feel left out when they can't always participate in activities with their peers. Having any serious, chronic illness is scary, and kids with asthma need extra emotional support to develop additional coping skills. Asthma often causes missed school days and these absences from school can quickly lead to a child falling behind. Kids