The beginning of life is always a spoon-fed lifestyle of parental punishment and
disciplined guidance. It is of the first decade of life through which the deciphering of right
and wrong is the ultimate essence of maturity. Tears are in response to punishment of
disobedience. Needs, as well as wants, are provided by a sheltering atmosphere of
dependence. As the teenage years start to flourish through puberty and exposure of
leadership, higher education is then instilled within the young person’s mind as the basis
for future adulthood. As I have been through these exact stages of life, I am now being
exposed to the higher education of college. If I were to look at the effect of change that
college has had on me since I started it, I can honestly say that I have grown more
independent, organized, and self-disciplined in almost every aspect of life.
Sometimes when in the realm of parental guidance, there is a mindset of
dependency that causes one to rely on others for support and fulfillment of needs.
However, when such a guidance has passed and is substituted with a means of
responsibility, there is a time to face the trials independently. Through college, I have
grown to learn of this independence. No longer is there a shoulder of Mother or Father to
cry on when things don’t go as planned. No longer are decisions made carelessly only to
expect parents to bear the consequences for me. I have learned of the importance of a
sound mind in the midst of all of my troubles. Moreover, I have learned to carry my own
burdens and to face my own problems with confidence to do even better the next time.
Organization is not just the foundation of order. It is also the foundation of precise
planning and determination to get things done in a timely manner. Within my childhood
years, I found my life to be full of time worth wasting. College, however, has caused me
to take