Change, in any organization is routed through it’s Human Resource Department. Thereare always disgruntled employees who complain that change has adversely affected them.There are employees who believe in status Quo and believe that if a system is working,there is no point in changing it.
Escorts going out and Yamaha coming in was a change that influenced each other andevery employee working on all levels. Strangely though, the resistance to this majorchange and to all subsequent decisions taken to enforce the change was minimized,. Itonly depicts the success of the H.R. department in educating all employees. Change wasviewed as mandatory rather than optional. Employees were made to believe that theirfuture bread and butter depended upon the success of this change. Almost everyemployee understood the need for this broad change. There were some voices ofdiscontent regarding small details which had to be worked out. The H.R. department’srole in handling the entire process of change is summarized below :
1.Agreement with the Union : Escorts left behind a strong labour union which wasknown to use aggressive tactics to get it’s demand met. Yamaha suspended the oldagreement with the union and entered into a new one after taking over. Theagreement covered various aspects like pay packages, increments, working hours,leaves schedule etc. Yamaha also offered V.R.S. ( Voluntary retirement schemes)to those who did not wanted to continue with the organization. However, theattraction rate of labour and managers was very low. What Yamaha ensuredthrough was there are no dissatisfied employees in the organization. Yamaha knewthat workers will be facing a cultural change soon and only wanted thoseemployees who were ready and willing to accept change in it’s true spirit.
2.Training of employees in Japan : Not every employee looks upon training inJapan as an opportunity or value addition. Certain employees are reluctant toleave their families back in