Tammy Creswell
November 9, 2014
Patricia Munson
Managing Conflict
Change is inevitable in a society for all types of businesses. Various changes need to occur within an organization due to the economy, mergers, customer’s preferences, technology, and globalization. To eliminate the resistance of change leaders should be aware of why managers and employees shun from it. Leaders should also become experts regarding methods to help employees adapt during the change process because of the positive and negative outcomes that can occur. In doing so, the process can become a successful experience.
Why Managers and Employees Resist Change
Managers and employees may be resistance to change because it disrupts their comfort level with their processes, procedures, and daily tasks. People become experts in their area with the software programs they use, tasks they complete, and the service they provide. Changes that touch any or all of these areas can be unsettling and can contribute to the negative behavior associated to change. Other factors that contribute to resistance is that some employees are uncomfortable with …show more content…
The change formula “C (Change) = D (Dissatisfaction) x M (Model) x P (Process > R (Resistance)” can assist leadership in identifying an approach and tool for implementing change:
1. A content employee is happy performing the same duties day in and day out. By creating dissatisfaction and discontent, this provides a reason for employees to take action. Leaders can encourages the employees to stay at the company and not quit because the stress level of change is too much. A leader can retrieve the satisfaction level of employees through different channels, such as surveys, internal complaints, external complaints, and face to face meetings with employees (Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy,