No one likes change. Often employees resist change for no apparent reason. This is when a manager investigates the reasons behind resistance and uses techniques to enlist employee cooperation. To implement change more effectively, a manager should understand the reasons. The possible reasons of resistance are as follows:
Lack of understanding and trust;
Different assessments and goals.
In our situation, employees believe that the change will conflict with their self-interest (fear of job loss). They also distrust the intentions behind the change or do not understand the intended purpose of the change. To overcome resistance, I will try the following implementation tactics:
Communication and education. Communication is a key in every situation. Employees who understand the rational reasons behind the change and see a picture of the change are much more likely to change the behavior. If the change involves the use of new technology or ideas, education is a must. By preparing and training employees, a smoother change occurs. I will support employees emotionally and explain why this change will possibly put their job at risk. I will let them know that our company provides job transition counseling, if needed.
Participation. I will involve employees in the designing process of the change. It will help them understand the change and become committed to it. As for me, I will benefit from it by spotting potential problems and different perceptions of the change.
Negotiation. I will use formal bargaining to win acceptance and approval of the change.
Top management support. By showing strong support of top managers, employees will overcome resistance to change. It will show them that the change is important for our company.
Overall, it is a difficult situation for any manager when the change eliminates