HRM 530 – Strategic Human Resources Management
Dismissal Meeting
1. Propose three (3) ways that a manager can cope with any negative emotions that may accompany an employee layoff.
When the economy — or a company’s business — goes south, the quickest way a company can chop its costs is by laying off its employees. It’s never popular and often companies will try other cost-cutting measures long before they have to cut workers, but if you’re among those who get the pink slip, you don’t really care. You just lost your job.
For many, being laid off is something that will be unexpected and shocking. Unless you work in a seasonal industry where layoffs occur with annual regularity, a layoff is akin to having the wind knocked out of you. You become a powerless pawn in a company’s efforts to cut costs. And while it’s never about a single employee, it doesn’t make it feel any less personal. Following are some proven ways for management to reduce the negative effects on staff of cutbacks, reorganizations and layoffs: Positive attitude from management. Managers set the tone as to how the staff will react to the stress and challenge of unwelcome change. Consider how when you are on an airplane flight and there is significant air turbulence, one looks to the pilot and the flight attendants for guidance and reassurance. For your staff, you are the pilot and flight attendant. Your behavior and attitude are critical elements in steering the group successfully through the transition. A positive attitude does not imply that you should deny the difficult and unfortunate aspects of what might be happening. Rather it involves reassuring your staff that you are all up to the challenge. Communication. When staff are in a state of anxiety, especially about something as basic as layoffs and job security, it is normal for them not to hear and take in everything you are telling them about what is going on. You cannot communicate enough and in too
References: Brown, J., Steps for Conducting an Employee Termination Meeting, People Tactics, August 30, 2013. Gandolfi, F. (2008, April). Learning from the Past ‐‐ Downsizing Lessons for Managers. Journal of Management Research Mathews, C., The Real Cost of Layoffs, Inc., July 19, 2012.