Carrie "Shellie" Cobbs
Leadership and Performance Development
HCS 475
Krystal Holthus
June 28, 2014
Week 5 Team A Smiley Hospital Performance Evaluations
How will you address resistance from staff? Managers need to understand that resistance to change is normal. Employee’s reactions to change are healthy reactions and part of the process of change. Understanding that employees will react this way should help the manager anticipate the resistance and then work with their employees to identify and modify the change so that the level of success is optimal. Managers need to remember that there should not be any defensive reactions on their part when implementing change. …show more content…
Managers need to listen to the concerns and ideas of their employees when implementing changes to help ease the transition.
What issues might impede the achievement of goals? Communication breakdown is a large and very common issue that impedes managers from reaching their goals. A manager needs to have effective communication abilities and a solid knowledge of the information that is needing to be relayed. Managers need to have plans for implementing the changes.
Inadequate plans relays the message to the employees that the manager does not understand the changes they are bringing to the table. Confidence and understanding of the information being communicated is key for managers to remove barriers when implementing change. Effective training for the employee is another key element when implementing change. If the training is inadequate employees will not have a full understanding of the reasoning behind the need to make changes. Successful training for employees is conveying the message and backing up the message with training that supports the employee in their abilities to implement the changes. Mangers should have a reward and recognition program in place when bringing in new changes. Employees respond better to positive working environments and when they are recognized for their efforts in making changes. The rewards and recognition program does not have to be financially intensive. Often times just a face-to-face conversation to recognize an employee is sufficient. Understanding your employees and their level of comfort when receiving recognition is important so that the manager does not make a public recognition for an employee that does not want the public …show more content…
Evaluate the action
How will you measure your goals to ensure success? Ensuring the success of performance management programs can be a hard task for management. The manager should have the thought process of boosting performance and energizing their employees for maximum performance. Performance measurement should focus on helping the employees achieve the goals that are presented to them. Management needs to understand the fine line of setting good, solid, attainable goals for maximum return from the employees and setting goals that are just out of reach for the employees that bring down morale. When goals are set for employees then a culture of accountability can be established. Management can then hold employees accountable for their work in implementing the goals. As goals are met and progress is made then the accountability becomes an integral component of the organization’s working culture.
What are the ethical considerations in leadership and management? John M.
Buell from the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) states, “Setting the right tone and structure can help others in their decision making” (Buell, 2009, p. 1). Leaders need to establish a consistent approach that is aligned with the organizations core values when dealing with ethical issues. Ethical foundations are principal thought concepts for organizations to build their core values upon. An organization’s ethical foundation and their core values is a good beginning point for management to set their department’s goals upon. Ethics is an individual viewpoint for each employee but a viewpoint that can sometime be guided to fit the organizations ethical viewpoint. Having a positive and supportive work environment fosters employee’s abilities to align with the organization’s ethical
What other management decisions must be considered in your scenario to improve employee morale? Susan M. Heathfield from Human states, “Employee morale is defined by the employee 's outlook, optimism, self-concept, and assured belief in themselves and their organization, its mission, goals, defined path, daily decisions, and employee appreciation” (Heathfield, 2014, p. 1). The statement by Susan M. Heathfield is correct because all of these separate measures of employee morale are affected by management and leadership. Management and leadership’s ultimate goal should be to maintain high employee morale even during times of change. Employees deserve respect, recognition, empowerment, coaching, and communication from their management to support their process during change and even keeled work periods.
How will the success of these be measured? Employee satisfaction can be measured by the general, daily work environment. A positive work environment creates more motivated and satisfied employees. Employees feel more appreciated by their direct management and employer when they have positive perks, activities, and positive recognition and feedback directed at their work performance. Management and leadership can gauge the level of employee morale by handing out individual employee morale/satisfaction survey. These usually are anonymous because employees tend not to respond if they can be recognized for their personal comments about their workplace. Small group meetings can also help management measure their success in the workplace. Conducting regular employee staff meetings can help form comradery within the team and can foster new ideas when implementing change.
Buell, J. M. (2009). Ethics and Leadership. Retrieved from
Heathfield, S. M. (2014). You Can Boost Employee Morale. Retrieved from