Katlyn Schoelkopf
BUS 610: Organizational Behavior
Professor Mistataj
November 12, 2012
HR Performance Issues and Motivation Any career, or workplace, that you go to you will find those employees that are unmotivated to do anything with their job. These motivational issues will vary from person to person as to what causes them, however many stem from outside external factors. These factors hinder people in the workplace and do not allow them to strive to reach the goals they want to achieve. A few of these factors have to deal with one’s health, career choices, and personal finance. While, they aren’t the only factors, these three factors do tend to present themselves in many situations within the workplace. First, health is a big concern for people, and their health day in and day out will hinder or help their performances. Someone who is in bad health, or poor health is not going to be motivated to get up and get their day started, they are more prone to being lazy and getting up right when they have to, to get done what needs to get done. On the other hand, someone who is in better health is ready for their day; they want to get up and get moving and do something in life. You can tell those people who are motivated for the work day because they are at work, they love their career choice, and basically they want to be where they are and continue to strive to get to the top. These people who have health issues can be many different types of people from elder employees to younger employees or even men or women. There isn’t really one category of health issues that is going to describe all that is out there, as each issue really needs its own category to deal with. Alderfer’s ERG Theory talks about regression in the workplace, and this could definitely be one of those case because your “physical” need is not there or your health, and without one piece of the puzzle; it’s cracked. The concept is an easy one
References: Baack, D. (2012). Organizational behavior. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc Babineau, Guy (2000). The full read on employment: Brave new workplace: Corporate culture gurus breed conformity inside the office by telling employees to `think outside the box. ' The Vancouver Sun. [Vancouver, B.C] 05 Feb 2000: E7. Accessed on February 12, 2012 from Ashford University ProQuest Library at http://search.proquest.com/docview/242721204/13A5D40E9A01DD6EBE7/5?accountid=32521 Yurtseven, Gülten; Halici, Ali (2012). Importance of the Motivational Factors Affecting Employees Satisfaction. International Business Research. 5.1. (Jan 2012): 72-79. Accessed on February 12, 2012 from Ashford University ProQuest Library at http://search.proquest.com/docview/920842213/13A5D40E9A01DD6EBE7/2?accountid=32521