Managing Global Diversity
Re: Redefining Diversity Discussion Questions
What surprises me about R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr. article on 'redefinition of diversity'?
The concept of Diversity and obtaining its 'true' understanding continues to shape and reshape organizational culture globally. Article written by R. Roosevelt Thomas on Redefining Diversity, broadens the general knowledge of diversity within the workplace and our everyday lives. In fact, in the early 1990s studies were done to determine the meaning of diversity. For example, in 1997 the National Naval Research Council defined diversity as the presence of a significant number of women, members of underrepresented racial groups, and persons with disabilities throughout the organization (National Research Council Staff. Building a Diverse Workforce: Scientists and Engineers in the Office of Naval Research. Washington, DC, USA: National Academies Press, 1997. p viii. ) Although a general relative definition, R. Roosevelt Thomas provided a more in depth understanding of diversity and indicates in his article that diversity is no longer about the crucial distinctions between groups, but is the elements that encompasses both the differences and similarities of employees (Understanding and Managing Diversity, pg ___.) thus, creating a diversity mixture within corporations. For me, it is surprising to adjust to the notion that diversity can in fact relate to the similarities and/or qualities of constituencies. This helps to eliminate the thought process that diversity is one dimensional.
After reviewing Thomas' eight (8) action options in the Diversity Paradigm model, which of these could be characterized as good management practices even when diversity is not an issue.
It is my belief that the art of building relationships among employees is a beneficial initiative in helping constituents become acclimated with various diverse groups. This kind of implementation fosters