April 20, 2015
Management Challenges and Concerns Report
Human resources planning is the systematical process of forecasting both the future demand for and supply of employees and defining the required knowledge and abilities needed in the field. At times even with the most accurate information, managing our human capital and protecting out talent has become a challenge. Dramatic shifts in the composition of the labor force require that managers become more involved in planning, since such changes affect the full range of HR practices (such as employee recruitment, selection, training, compensation, and motivation) (Bohlander & Snell, 2007). Not only has managing the talent been a significant challenge so has following all legal compliance. Rules and regulations have to follow to avoid losing employees.
Human Capital/Talent Management
Managing talent is the most important HR challenge facing organizations across the world today. As an organization addressing the talent management/human capital is important in all the regains of the industry (Eyre, 2008). The shifts in the world economy are playing a role in workforce trend, making it difficult to retain all human capital. To ensure growth potential during a bad economy the organization needs to focus on strengthening key relationships, capitalizing on underutilized staff, clarifying strategic roles and forging stronger links between compensation and results (Mello, 2005). Strengthening the employer-employee relationship is an important goal for human resources departments in any organization.
Compliance and regulation
The human resources issues are very complex when it has to do with a complex work industry. Compliance with regulations is one the biggest problems occurring in workplaces. This happens more often in small companies than larger because of the turnover in employees in smaller companies. It is a bigger problem with a newly formed enterprise or
References: Bohlander, G., & Snell, S. (2007). Managing Human Resource, Fourteenth Edition. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western. Eyre, E. (2008). Managing Talent is top global HRM challenge. Training Journal, 10. Mello, J. A. (2005). Strategic Human resource Management 2nd Edition. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning.