HRM 546
1. How is employment-at-will applied in your organization or in one with which you are familiar? To what extent do the exceptions to employment-at-will limit its application in the organization? How might managers in the organization use knowledge of employment-at-will and its exceptions to protect the interests of the organization?
An employment-at-will relationship where there is no contractual obligation to remain in the relationship; either party may terminate the relationship at any time, for any reason, as long as the reason is not prohibited by law (Bennett-Alexander & Hartman (2007)) The company I work at talks about how they reserve the right to terminate your employment without notice and without receipt of any Corrective Action Agreement, for any reason during the first 90 days of employment and beyond. It goes on to give a list of actions or attempt of actions that will result in the company using the Corrective Action Agreement.
2. What are specific examples of roles that are filled by employees and others that are filled by independent contractors? Use examples from your employer, industry, or an employer or industry with which you are familiar. What do the employees and independent contractors have in common and how do they differ in dealing with employers? How might temporary employees be characterized in the organization or industry you select?
Within the company there are several departments: break-n-shear, welding, upholstery, sewing, cutting, electrical, wood shop, and shipping. The departments that do not use temporary workers are break-n-shear, electrical, welding, and since accident on friday cutting will no longer employee temporary employees. During our busy season (four months a year) the company hires temporary workers for sewing, upholstery, assembly, and shipping. The main difference is filings with IRS, benefits, and places to go, such
References: Bennett-Alexander, D.D., & Hartman, P.L. (2007). Employment law for business (5th Ed). New York: McGraw-Hill.