Importanat Note: You are strictly directed to write the term paper in your handwriting.
Primarily Term Paper is a record of intelligent, careful and systematic reading, noting and presentation of several sources on a particular subject under study. The procedure for writing such a Term Paper consists of the following steps:
1. Finding sources of materials:
The information related to the topic can be collected from various primary and secondary sources depending upon the nature of the topic. For the secondary sources one can visit library, search books, various websites. Then start writing the material related with the topic of your term paper. One can make reference cards of these by placing these cards according to the topic. The references should be written in following format.
1) Article in a journal
Verma, R., Dogra, B. and Khara, N. (2007), Dainik Bhaskar-The Punjab Launch, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. XIV, No.2, pp. 21-34.
2) From book
Gautam Prashant (2007), Sustainable Tourism Development, Indus Publication: New Delhi, pp.31-40.
3) From Web
Population of India. [Online] available at [> accessed on 24.09.2008]
2. Gathering notes:
Skim through the sources collected, locating the useful material, then make good notes of it, including quotes and information for footnotes so that you don’t have to refer the sources again. One should take care in note-taking. The notes must be taken accurately so that it does not distort the author 's meanings. One should collect only those things that will support the objective of your term paper, ignoring other facts or opinions.
3. Discussion with the instructor:
Before going with the detailed writing one must discuss the topic along with the material collected with the teacher, to ensure that one is going on a right track.
4. Outlining the paper
The purpose of an outline is to help student think through
References: footnotes, and punctuation. D. Make sure that the images, tables and graphs are in proper form and are self explanatory.