Oedipus likes to think of himself as a man who is great in power and someone who needs to let everyone know. Throughout the story he likes to show this and one big part where he shows this is when he solves the Sphinx’s riddle and he has to let everyone …show more content…
...And yet the riddle was not to be solved By guess-work but required the prophet’s art;...(Sophocles 5)
As this example states, the Sphinx tells the riddle no one could solve (What has 4 legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and three legs in the evening). Oedipus is the first man to solve the Sphinx’s riddle and as an arrogant man, he has to let the town know how intelligent he is. This sample shows Oedipus’ pride and how much he likes to display it. He overpowers on vanity when letting the town know of his achievement which is exactly why this is a great example of Hubris. In all likelihood, this is one of the best examples in the story because it highlights how much he likes to show arrogance. There are other times when Oedipus thinks he is hubris when he continues to search for the killer of the king. He thinks he can find the king killer because he is so tough and can do anything but as he goes on to find who killed the king he finds out he killed the king. OEDIPUS I cannot; I must probe this matter home.(Sophocles 5)
As the example states, Oedipus searches for the killer of the king. As he goes on this adventure he comes to find out that maybe it wasn’t a great idea because he learns he is the killer. This is another great example of hubris because he thinks he is all big and bad which leads to him to find out a terrible truth. Sometimes he lets out too much pride and then gets karma in return. Even though karma hits him in the back he never seems to learn and carries on with arrogance. At some points, Oedipus gets a little out of control when he thinks he is the king of the world.
One moment when he uses to much power is when he gets into an argument with Teiresias and tells him what to do.
...A murrain thee! Get thee hence! Begone A vault! And never cross my threshold more.(Sophocles)
A secret of who the killer is, is let loose to Teiresias and he lets Oedipus know that he knows something he wishes he hadn’t. Oedipus hears this and then only wants to know the truth and wants Teiresias to let the town know but he will not. Since Teiresias doesn’t let out the secret an argument breaks loose between the two. As Oedipus and Teiresias get in a fight Oedipus thinks he is the alpha male and can take complete control over Teiresias. As he gains more and more anger he reaches his high and tells Teiresias to leave. Oedipus does a lot throughout Oedipus Rex but one thing he shows a bit too much is arrogance. Oedipus tells Thebes about how he solves the Sphinx’s riddle, searches for the killer of the king and tells Teiresias to leave. He uses arrogance through all of theses by showing too much power and even more arrogance through other parts of the story which is why a big part of Oedipus Rex is