The setting took place down south along the Mississippi river. lots of ships and ferry boats traveled along this river. There were many islands in the middle of this river. Huckleberry and Jim lived on Jackson island for a little while.
The main characters were Huckleberry Finn, Jim, Tom sawyer, and the con men. Huckleberry was around fourteen, he was slender and wore old clothes with a straw hat. Jim was Miss.Watson slave. He was a bigger man and was very superstitious. Tom was also around the age …show more content…
They tried to civilize huckleberry. One night Pap Finn had come back to take all of the money Huckleberry he received from capturing the robber in caves, but Huckleberry had given it to Judge Thrasher. Pap Finn took huckleberry to a cabin in the woods and locked him in there, so Mrs.Watson couldn't get custody of huckleberry. While pap was away one-day huckleberry sawed a hole in the wall and staged his own death and rode down the river on a canoe he found all the way to Jackson island. Where he found Miss.Watson's slave Jim. Jim has escaped the night huckleberry was thought to be dead since Miss.Watson was going to sell him down the …show more content…
The con men decided they would go as the man's brother and collect his fortune. When the supposed real brother had come but they all were exposed. While the town was arguing with the con men Jim and Huckleberry escaped on the raft but the con men caught up with them and they were furious. The next day they all went to town and left Jim in the boat but when Huckleberry went back to Jim he was gone. One of the con men had sold Jim to a local farmer named Silas Phelps. Huckleberry went to rescue Jim. When he arrived a woman named sally was waiting on him she thought he was her nephew Tom Sawyer. Huckleberry pretended to be Tom and when the real Tom arrived he pretended to be a boy on his way to his uncles. Tom and Huckleberry plotted a Plan to save Jim. One night fifteen people came to attack Jim. Jim, huckleberry, and Tom escaped and jumped the fence and tom was shot in the leg. When Tom got to a doctor, Jim helped nurse him back to health. Tom was taken to Silas's house with Huckleberry and Jim and was told that Miss.Watson had died and in her will said that Jim would be a free man. Pap Finn was found dead in the river and he hadn't received Huckleberry money.
While all the news was being told to the boys Toms Aunt Polly came and she took in Huckleberry and she also tried to civilize him.
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