Huckleberry Finn was one of the first novels to be written in, narrated in the first person by the title character. The novel has been banned to eliminate perceived racism. It was the fifth most banned in school and libraries during the 1990s. One film version even wanted to chose to leave out the character of Jim entirely from the film.
Huck “Huckleberry” Finn is a …show more content…
After staying three day there Huck come across Miss Watson's slave, Jim. Jim said that he ran away because he was scared of being sold down the Mississippi River, Several chapter later the novel just talked the journey along the Mississippi River. Huck and Jim relationship serves as a huge test for Huck’s sense of the world and his ownself. Jim prove to be more reliable guide but Huck ignores Jim’s injunction against handling and place a dead snake under Jim’s blanket as a joke, but backfires. On the river the two experience it liberation from socially imposed mutual respect and sustain relationship with one and another.
During the second night of their journey, a very heavy fog and a swift current separated the two. When the finally reunite because of the fog. Huck’s relief at his friend's safety by trying to convince Jim that he had only dreamed the danger. Finally realizing the truth, Jim comments with saying that “all that you're doing is making a fool of him and lying to him about helping him to be free.” Jim's words hit their target, and Huck is forced to reassess his shabby