I have seen that living in luxury is pointless and not only that but it can effect the way one lives for God. When you live with just the necessities, you show yourself that there is more to entertainment and comfort in life, that seeking material wealth all the time, Is a waste of time and the precious gift of life which God has bestowed upon us to live for His glory and not our own. Gods will is indeed inedible. Nothing we can do will prevent what He has in store for us in this life and the next. When we do follow Gods will and obey Him, much joy and peace will pursue those who follow Christ. Blessings abound in the righteous living of the one who obeys and hears God.
Hudson Taylor was a calm, peaceful man, who learned many things about God and became closer to Him through self-sacrifice and dedication to God in all aspects of his life. Hudson trained himself to live on just the necessities, and nothing more in order that he depend upon God for everything and even his very meal everyday. He lived in a most humble and poor conditions to show his dependence upon God in every day life and activity. He was obedient and listened to the call of God. He was described as many of the fruits of the Spirit that God shows in the Word. Sacrifice became a daily thing for Hudson, as God molded and shaped Hudson for His will.
Hudson Taylor was just that sort of man, one who you could call a saint. He would go where no one would want to go. And do what no one would want to do. He willed to do Gods will, and that was to go to china and spread the good news of salvation to all the lost and hurting people in china. He was to a fairly financially stable family. Except he was not saved yet when he was just a lad. Yet his mother prayed earnestly for a long time for the salvation of her only son. The prayer was answered by God, when Hudson accidentally picked up a Christian brochure and read of the saving love of Jesus and Christ and what Christ did on the