University of Phoenix
HUM/105 World Mythology
So many cultures have divinities in similar roles because events have identified different experiences with similar results. As humans we thrive on the need to believe, so rely heavily on hope and faith. Divinities enforce a sense of beauty and positivity that allows one to go beyond good versus evil. There is an overlap between roles because they are often identified by powers and forces granted to mortal individuals. For example, most supernatural powers are associated with storms and thunder being extended to other spirit beings to wash away negativity and make an example of their enemies.
In most faiths, demons are predictably referred to as demonic and categorized as pure evil; while there are other faiths such as, pantheistic and polytheistic, which allow there to be a distinction between gods and other beings of power. In terms of gender, it is as if woman had no voice, so what we have been taught in writings are in terms of the point of view of a man. There is a clear distinction, so most of the pivotal roles are of men because of their domination over woman.
The creation of religions comes from humanities desire to explain the unexplainable and create the illusion that we have control over reality. A parallel question in every culture has lead to a similar mythological response. Myths revolve around supernatural beings attempting to ease signs of how they dealt with harm. For those who believe, their faith empowers religion to make sense. From a rational point of view, myths are unsound. In the end, it comes down to an attempt to explain the world around them in the simplest form of attributing a separate God to each topic they were trying to explain.
|Title: Divine Roles Across Culture |Column A |Column B |
| |Divinity Name:Ganesha
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