Appendix C
HUM 130 Week 1 Vocabulary Quiz
| |Define these terms in your own words. |
|1. Immanent |Philosophical and metaphysical theories of diving presence |
|2. Religion |A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the universe |
|3. Theistic |The belief in one god as the creator and ruler of the universe |
|4. Monotheistic |To believe there is only one god |
|5. Profane |Not devoted …show more content…
Polytheistic |To believe there is more than one god or many gods |
|7. Monistic |The theoretical explanation of everything in terms of one principle |
|8. Dogma |A settled or established opinion, belief, or principle |
|9. Nontheistic |The belief in one god as the creator and ruler of the universe without rejection of |
| |revelation |
|10. Transcendent |Going beyond ordinary limits, superior |
|11. Incarnations |A living being embodying a deity or spirit |
|12. Kensho |Seeing one’s nature, enlightenment |
|13. Atheism |The belief that there is no god