Colleges of Arts and Sciences
Course Design Guide
HUM/186 Version 1
Media Influences on American Culture
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Course Description
The course provides an introduction to the most prominent forms of media that influence and impact social, business, political, and popular culture in contemporary America. It explores the unique aspects of each medium as well as interactions across various media that combine to create rich environments for information sharing, entertainment, business, and social interaction in the U.S. and around the world.
Course Topics & Objectives
Week One: The Internet: Social Media
· Identify forms of social media.
· Recognize the benefits of social media.
· Recognize the problems of social media.
· Explain how social media has affected commerce.
Week One: The Internet: Information and Online Concepts
· Explain the value and importance of the availability of information on the Internet.
· Describe credibility issues with information on the Internet.
· Summarize the impact of the Internet on politics.
Week Two: The Major Intersections of American Culture and Media
· Summarize the evolution of media in the last century.
· Define media convergence.
· Explain how media convergence has changed American culture.
Week Two: Popular Music
· Explain how music and culture influence one another.
· Describe the