1. Identify the four themes of human services
Problems in Living, The growing number of problems in the modern world, Self Sufficiency, Social care Social control and Rehabilitation.
2. Identify professional disciplines that influence human services
Sociology, Psychology, and Anthropology
3. How have societal viewpoints concerning mental illness or health influenced human services over the past three centuries?
Over the past three centuries societal viewpoints have changed greatly towards mental illness. In early history society viewed mental health as being caused by evil spirts and that they could only be removed through trephining and exorcizing. Colonial times brought about the greatest move toward human services this was the start of formal institutions for people with mental disturbances. In the 19th century society began to realize that mental illness was a brain disorder and needed research, treatment, and physical facilities. The 20th century was a move in a new direction with the start of human services as we know it today with the development of free clinics and social services where treatment was provided. Society gradually opened their eyes to the needs of the mentally ill and developed the National Institute for Mental Health.
4. How have societal viewpoints concerning child welfare influenced human services over the past three centuries?
In early history society viewed child welfare as the churches responsibility. In colonial times society started viewing children as dependents and created institutions called Almshouses which forced children in the same category as the elderly and mentally disabled. In the 19th century child welfare was addressed with the first juvenile reformatory in America the House of refuge for juvenile delinquents in New York. However it wasn’t an improvement from the almshouses but it did help society view children as the vulnerable and deserving group in society which