This effects the marine environment in many ways, dredging has a big impact on marine eco systems dredging wrecks reefs and destroys the homes for manor many organisms. When this happens the dirt from the bottom dirties the water up and it makes it harder for fish to see and hunt for their food. Artificial reefs are a positive impact humans have on the marine environment. Doing this builds homes for fish and organisms. It has a big impact on the food chain for fish also. Little fish gather around the reefs and bigger fish eat the little fish and large predators live on the outsides of the reef to feed on the smaller ones. There are acts that protect the ocean from this such as The Coastal Construction Control Line Program. The Coastal Construction Control Line Program is an essential element of Florida's coastal management program. It provides protection for Florida's beaches and dunes while assuring reasonable use of private property Adoption of a coastal construction control line establishes an area of jurisdiction in which special siting and design criteria are applied for construction and related activities
commercial/recreational fishing
Trawlers drag nets and gear across the ocean bottom they trap or kill almost all the fish, mollusks and other creatures they encounter. And the dragging destroys underwater features like reefs, turning the bottom to mud. A lot of different organism get caught in these nets. Dolphins, sea turtles and other fish that are not meant to be caught are killed. Churning up mud does immense harm. Fish cannot see in water that is murky with suspended sediment. The mud can also clog their gills and set off algae blooms, which, in turn, lead to vast increases in bacteria. Ultimately, the result is a dead zone. Over fishing is a big problem also recreational fisherman catch more than the required bag limit and it drastically reduces the amount fish in the ocean. If over fishing stops and trawelers and other