Male emotional response was recorded by the researcher, in this case, myself, sitting in the back of the theatre, so as not to disturb or alter the men, or women’s, experience of the film; however, I made sure to be close enough that I could still observe a handful of men close enough to see what their expressions were. At the conclusion of the film, I anonymously interviewed a few men on their overall opinion of the movie and whether or not they felt any strong emotions during it. This was kept anonymous, so as to protect their identities, especially because some of the males could have been fellow University of Dayton students or faculty …show more content…
During this scene, as well, no male tears were witnessed; however, the men were definitely interested as to see what the next scene would bring. Furthermore, during the culmination of the movie, that includes Disney’s claim to fame, when the Beast is turned back into a human prince, the village rejoices, and a ball ensues, many women expressed mixtures of relief and happiness through sighs, smiles and singing of the famous song Beauty and the Beast, by Ariana Grande and John Legend. At this point it was especially interesting to note that there was not much of a change in the men’s emotional responses, especially in comparison to the women’s. Again, no tears were shed, which was what I was most interested in observing, but there were a few glances over towards the women the men were with, and a few