“Our vision is to be the most trusted provider of systems and technologies that ensure the security and freedom of our nation and its allies. As the technology leader, we will define the future of defense—from undersea to outer space, and in cyberspace.
We will — * Conduct ourselves with integrity and live our Company Values * Deliver superior program performance * Foster an internal environment of innovation, collaboration, and trust
In so doing, Northrop Grumman will become our customers ' partner of choice, our industry 's employer of choice, and our shareholders ' investment of choice.” (Northrop Grumman, 2012)
Looking at its vision statement, it is interesting to note who each of the three points affects. The first one truly affects both the company internally and who they deal with externally given that both employees and customers want to be treated with integrity. The second point deals more with people externally, since having a superior program performance ensures that costumers receive the best product available. The third
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