Part A (Each 15 Marks)
1) Describe the native and importance of employee selection. Explain briefly the steps involved in selection process => JUNE 2010.
2) How can Performance Appraisal be made more effective? Discuss => JUNE 2010.
3) Discuss the scope and significance of human resource Management => JUNE 2010.
4) What are the objectives of human resources planning? Illustrate with examples the process of man power planning at the enterprise level => JUNE 2010.
5) What is internal and external recruitment? Explain with Examples. => JUNE 2010
6) Describe the role of socio-economic and political changes in Reshaping personnel management into Human Resource Management. => JUNE 2009.
7) Explain the process of Job Analysis. . => JUNE 2009, JUNE 2007.
8) Define manpower planning and explain the steps involved in Forecasting the manpower requirements of a firm => JUNE 2009.
Part A (Each 15 Marks)
9) “Selection tests usually highlight the disqualifications of a Candidate rather than the suitability for the job”- Comment ⇨ JUNE 2009.
10) Explain the functions of Human Resource development and Their significance in achieving organizational efficiency. JUNE 2009.
11) What are the objectives of Training? Explain the advantages and limitations of Training. June 2008.
12) What is the need of performance Appraisal? Explain the Process of Performance Appraisal system => June 2008
13) Discuss in brief the various employee benefits. => June 2008
14) Describe the factors affecting selection decision. Explain The selection procedure of a modern company => June 2008
15) Discuss the objectives, scope and functions of Human Resource Management => June 2008, June 2006, June 2005
16) Define Man power planning and explain the steps in Human