1. A job is a group of positions. True
2. A task is an identifiable unit of work activity produced through the application of a composite of methods, procedure and techniques. True
3. A duty is several distinct tasks that are performed by an individual to complete a work activity. True
4 .A job is a combination of occupations based on the skills, effort, and responsibilities required by the jobs..False
5.Abilities refer to the physical and mental capacities needed to perform tasks requiring the use of tools, equipment, and machinery. False
6.Job-analysis methods are standardized and cannot be designed to fit any one particular organization's jobs. False
7.It is possible to perform a job analysis that uields information about the worker requirements and the job requirements. False
8.Managers should not consider using a number of different methods of data collection because it is unlikely that any number of methods will provide all the necessary information needed for a job analysis. False
9.A job description describes the qualifications of the person required to perform the job. False
10.Job analysis can be used to identify training and development needs, but not selection needs. True
11.Deciding to focus recruiting efforts at women and minorities is a strategic choice an organization can make. False
12.Making employees" refers to hiring more highly skilled workers and then training them for the job they will perform in the particular organization. False
13.Organizations can make a strategic decision to control higher costs only after determining the approximate cost per hire. True
14.Companies frequently use a variety of internal and external recruiting strategies to locate and hire their workers. True
15.Job bidding is an external method of recruiting and selection. False
16.Clearly written and specifically defined advertisements will dissuade unqualified