u08a1 Case Study Counseling Plan
Due 6/3/12
Dr. Sternberg-- instructor
By Elaine V. Y.
Page 1-------Table of Content
Page 2--------An Assessment of the sexuality of the couple’s relationship;
Page 3-------- Dynamics of the relationship; Multi-axial diagnostic;
Page 5---- Sexual Response; Analysis and comparison of the sexual response cycle and the concept of sexual normality
Page 6-7-----Goals for Treatment
Page 8------ Ethical and culturally-relevant approaches to treating any sexual issues
Assessment of Sexual Issues
James and Mary experience an unsatisfactory sexual relationship due to James’ dysfunction of maintaining an erection half the time. James could be experiencing Performance Anxiety. Performance anxiety is the anxiety a man has when he thinks he is not getting an erection fast enough, or his erection is not firm enough, or does not seem to last long enough. Once a man experiences even a single case of ED, he may continue a cycle of anxiety about repeated episodes of unsatisfactory erections. He will anticipate erectile problems, fixating on performance rather than the pleasurable aspects of sexual arousal. His ability to relax is hampered, increasing negative self-talk, and his perceptions of self-worth and partner are negative. James is getting frustrated and becoming uninterested in sex. He is also embarrassed about his problem. Mary is also frustrated with his dysfunction. Mary is the one who initiates intimacy but her husband does not respond like she wants him to. He has no desire for intimacy and can mostly keep an erection when he masturbates in the shower and so he avoids intimacy with his wife. He feels that his sexual relationship with his wife is hopeless and does not want to discuss the issue with her.
References: SEWELL, K. W. (2005). The Experience Cycle And The Sexual Response Cycle: Conceptualization And Application To Sexual Dysfunctions. Journal Of Constructivist Psychology, 18(1), 3-13. doi:10.1080/10720530590522973 McCabe, M. P. (2005). The Role Of Performance Anxiety In The Development And Maintenance Of Sexual Dysfunction In Men And Women. International Journal Of Stress Management, 12(4), 379-388. World Health Organization 's 2008 article ”Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation: An Interagency Statement," pages 1–40. McCarthy, B. W., & Metz, M. E. (2008). The “Good-Enough Sex” model: a case illustration. Sexual & Relationship Therapy, 23(3), 227-234. doi:10.1080/14681990802165919 http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation. American Psychological Association. (2008).