Goldberg, Michelle. "The Super Bowl of Sex Trafficking." Newsweek 7 Feb. 2011: 7. Criminal Justice Collection. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. In this article Goldberg informs us that human trafficking tends to accompany major sport and entertainment events. While every football fan was cheering for their team during the super bowl, children were being sexually exploited. In the 2009 game in Tampa, Florida; 24 trafficked children were saved. Texas is second to California when it comes to trafficking. It is horrible to think how close trafficked victims are close to home.
"Smuggling and trafficking." America 5 July 2004: 3. Criminal Justice Collection. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. This article explains the difference between smuggling and trafficking humans. What begins as smuggling may end up as trafficking, if the smuggled people are denied their freedom and held hostage in some form of debt bondage. The article also informs that trafficking does not only happen with women and children, but with males also. For instance, in Tulsa, Oklahoma 53 Indian men were forced to work 12-16 at the John Pickle Company, with an hourly wage of $3. Also, this article includes the type ‘T’ visa, which was established by Congress as one of the components of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, was created specifically for the benefit of trafficking victims.
Dougherty, Mary Ellen. "Preying on the margins: trafficking in human beings is happening closer to home than most people think." America 30 Jan. 2006: 18. Criminal Justice Collection. Web. 4 Apr. 2013 In this article, Dougherty has more information about the type ‘T’ visa and its regulations on being able to get certified for this visa. It also includes different nonprofit organizations that help and shelter trafficked victims. Dougherty also adds the difficultness of making laws because one will seem more enforced than the other.
Jack, William M., and