A Growing Problem
As Edmund Burke, an Irish philosopher in the 1700’s once said “Slavery is a weed that grows in any soil” (Perrin, 2010); indeed slavery is a weed that has not yet been exterminated from our society. Like most weeds, it grows fast and is stubborn to stay. In the world today this unwanted slavery has manifested in the form of human trafficking. You may be surprised to learn that even today people are still being bought and sold as if objects and property. Human trafficking is a global problem that is on the rise particularly in Asia (Government of Canada, 2012). There are an estimated number of 2.44 million people trafficked and exploited around the world today (BAGLAY, 2011). Yet human trafficking is not only a global problem, but is increasingly being committed in our …show more content…
(2012). National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking. Ottawa: Government of Canada.
Jakab, C. (2013, May 18). A woman talks about her personal experience with Human Trafficking in Canada. Retrieved May 2013, from Youtube.com: http://youtu.be/pk2c8sJvwt4
Little, B. M. (2010, September 9). Campaigns Shine Light on Human Trafficking in Canada.
Perrin, B. (2010). Invisible Chains. Toronto: Penguin Group.
RCMP Criminal Intelligence. (2010). Human Trafficking in Canada. Ottawa: Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
Roots, K. (2013). Trafficking or Pimping?: An Analysis of Canada’s Human Trafficking. Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 21-41.
The Salvation Army. (2011). HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN CANADA Frequently Asked Questions . Retrieved November 2013, from Salvationist: http://salvationist.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Human-Trafficking-in-Canada-FAQs.pdf
U.S. Department of State. (2013). 2013 TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS REPORT: CANADA CHAPTER. Retrieved October 20, 2013, from Embassy of the United States: