Organisation Love146 has released a video …show more content…
From the start, the audience builds a soft spot for Karla as she tells the reader of abuse from her childhood that started when she was just 5 years old. She tells readers of being mistreated by her mother and this allows the audience to empathise with her, even just by a little bit. Romo was able to conjure a heartbreaking image with this sentence when he uses repetition when repeating 43 200 which places importance in that number. The words ‘brutal realities’ was used to describe human trafficking in Mexico. This was later followed up with ‘an underworld that has destroyed the lives of tens of thousands of Mexican girls like Karla’ which further emphasises the terror known as human trafficking. No doubt, the article was written in a way that has broken the hearts of the audience with the imagery that this article was able to …show more content…
Concy uses a variety of language features as she tells her story. She starts off by telling the audience of her happy childhood which brings back feelings of nostalgia and readers are able to empathise with her, thus creating a bond with the reader and Concy. She foreshadows a big event that happened to her, creating tension in the story and attracting the audience’s interest. She builds the tension when retelling a horrific memory in which rebels suddenly busted into their home. The use of the words ‘ripped off’, ‘tied up’, and ‘beat badly’ paints an image of a young girl who was violently harmed. Concy then recounts of times after she got married against her will to a man who would ‘beat her to the point of paralysis’. This short description evokes an emotion of deep sympathy towards Concy. Even after she escaped, she ‘suffered extreme insomnia’. The graphic imagery here shows the extent of the pain and trauma that she has experienced to the reader, causing the audience as if this innocent little girl did not deserve this abominable treatment. Concy’s story highlights the gruesome and detestable details of human trafficking with imagery, repetition, affect and appreciation to present the news in a way that convinces the audience that human trafficking is