
Human Trafficking: The Fastest Growing Criminal Industry

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In today's society it is is hard to believe that such an act exits but unfortunately it is and has been going on for years. What exactly is human trafficking and what can we do about it. Human trafficking is when another person is recruited, obtained for the main reason of exploitation.
Traffickers make money off the back of another person for their own personal gain and the victims are made to do inappropriate things against their will. "Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world, generating more than $150 billion dollars" There are many forms of human trafficking when you think of trafficking sex comes to mind people are sold as sex slaves into the sex industry which is very true but there are other types of trafficking too:
Child Soldiers, Forced Labor, Forced Marriage, Debt Bondage, Domestic Servitude, Organ and Baby trafficking.
Any one can be trafficked normal average every day people of
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Turning their backs instead of helping to stop it. Many woman are promised employment, education or a loving relationship but when they arrive usually into a new country are forced to work in the sex industry - prostitution, strip clubs, massage parlors.
Sex trafficking can be hard to detect especially when its a more underground crime. Awareness, legislation and protocol has been increased to stop traffickers and yet people are still being trafficked. People see a prostitution and think its just another girl but how would you really know there are signs to look for such as -No id, suffers from abuse, she is never alone, nervous, scared, she lives at the place she works the list can go on.

"Human trafficking in Australia is illegal under Divisions 270 and 271 of the Criminal

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